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Tuyển nhân viên lái xe khu vực hà nội bằng C, B2 Vantai24h - Nhằm đẩy mạnh kinh doanh trong lĩnh vực vận tải, đồng thời phát triển mạng lưới xe tải rộng khắp tại các tỉnh, thành trong cả nước, Vantai24h cần tuyển nhân viên lái xe thường trú tại 3 khu vực như sau: Giáp Bát (Hoàng Mai) ; Phạm Hùng (Mỹ Đình) và Lê Văn Lương (Trung Văn).
Good transport from Ha Noi to Dong Thap – When to change your car tyre? Vantai24h – Date 09/26/2015 – The goods transport from Hanoi to Dong Thap is a long one with both drivers and vehicles. Car tire is a part which contacts directly with road surface, and usually accompanies with many patches. Therefore, the regular maintenance and replacement of car tires is very important to ensure efficient and safe journeys.
Commodity transportation to Nha Trang city of Khanh Hoa province – Full or consolidated load Vantai24h – Date 09/22/2015 – The Transport 24h Co.Ltd specializes in goods transport to Nha Trang (in Khanh Hoa Province) with full or consolidated loads to save the expense for customers and ensure the scheduled time for delivery as committed.
Goods transport from Ha Noi to Long An – The regular maintenance of car air filter Vantai24h – Date 09/19/2015 – The transport route from Hanoi to Long An is a long distance route, meaning that trucks must go through many roads full with dirty dust. Therefore, the regular maintenance of air filter is essential to have as much as clear air in the engine when trucks are in operation.
Commodity transport to Thai Nguyen – The procedure to get driving license of level B2 Vantai24h – Date 09/15/2015 - When I drive to transport goods from Ha Noi to Thai Nguyen, I always recall memories of my first driving over long distance. It used to take about three hours to drive from Hanoi to Thai Nguyen, but now with the same period of time, I can complete two two-way journeys.
Cargo transport from Ha Noi to Ben Tre – How to change truck’s engine oil Dịch vụ vận chuyển hàng hóa từ Hà Nội đi Bến Tre – Thay dầu nhớt cho xe Vantai24h – Date 09/12/2015 – The shipping distance between Hanoi and Ben Tre is long, meaning that the frequency of truck use also increases and the quality of truck engine oil reduces. Therefore, changing oil is necessary to ensure trucks’ efficient operation and long lifespan.
Good transport to Ninh Binh from Ha Noi and other cities and provinces (P2) Vantai24h – Date 09/09/2015 – The highway Phap Van – Cau Gie allows vehicles to drive with the maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Because of its characteristics as a highway, the distance of 30 kilometers will shorten the total time of transport.
Good transport to Ninh Binh from Ha Noi and other cities and provinces (P1) Vantai24h – Date 09/05/2015 - The construction and development of highways has created advantageous conditions for goods shipment from Hanoi to Ninh Binh. The business activities of logistics companies in general and Transport 24h Co. Ltd in particular are stimulated highly with the considerable rise in the number of shipments, which brings great benefits to the companies.
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