Vantai24h - 01/19/2014 - The spirit of helping the compatriots has been ingrained in the subconscious of Vietnamese people. Therefore, there are many organizations, individuals donating money and gifts with the wish to help disadvantaged backgrounds overcome difficulties.
“ Thank you very much, officer”, a 60 year old woman Ha Thi Din living in Sung Trang Village, Yen Minh District handed a gift for Tet Holiday and express her gratitude to the officer. Seeing her emotion, the members of charity program had indescribable happiness. Difficulties of handling gifts onto trucks and getting over 300 kilometer road with dangerous curves were paid.
There are many benefactors with a wide range of backgrounds such as students, workers, scientists, businessmen and so on. In the era of technology, the progress of media stimulates the formation of on-line charity organizations through facebook, zalo, yahoo… It is a precious thing when there are real people with true feelings of love and sympathy in the virtual world.

According to fanpage of the Charity Club of “Noi Vong Tay Lon” through Facebook, although there are only official members of 300, they have been holding many professional charity programs and the volunteers also know clearly what they are doing. We had an opportunity to accompany the Club in the charity program “ The Warmth for North-west Tet” and through the trip, we believe that everbody can do charity works if they have the hearts. The program lasted for two days from January 17 to 18 and with only 20 members and a huge load of donated goods, we had to categorize them carefully. Although all team members were exhausted, they felt happy to do something meaningful.

During its process of operation, the Club of “Noi Vong Tay Lon” has made hundreds of trips and there is a little known fact that all their trips are transported free of charge by logistics companies. Gifts of love have been carried by Transport 24h Co.Ltd with the complete safety. According to Mr. Pham Cao Khai- the director of Transport 24h Co.Ltd, his company spends from 150 to 200 million VNDs for charity programs by sponsor 100% the transporting fare. Mr.Khai said sincerely: “Charity works help us not only share difficulties with the poor but also enrich our knowledge of society and residents on each land which our cars go to”.

The charity journeys Transport 24h has involved might be thousands of kilometers long. Many roads are very dangerous and difficult to get over such as roads to Yen Minh, Ha Giang. There are also a number of unexpected situations we encountered. However, with the desire to share, lines of trucks still continue rolling and carrying hope and love to poor people.
Source: Thu Thuy ( )