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Proposing to stop collecting BOT Nam Binh Dinh tolls for violating maintenance quality

Road Management Zone III has submitted a petition to the Vietnam Road Administration to suspend toll collection at Km 1212+550 Station on National Highway 1, part of the investment project to expand National Highway 1 from Km 1212+400 to Km 1265. +00, North-South Binh Dinh and Phu Yen, managed by Binh Dinh BOT Investment Company Limited in the form of BOT contract.
     According to the petition, on this section of the road, the pavement sections are aging, peeling, large cracks, and have a high risk of popping potholes. Many places on the road surface were damaged such as potholes, subsidence, and peeling. Although there have been repairs, it is still peeling back as at Km 1248 - Km 1249+400, Km 1250 - Km 1252, Km 1264+150 - Km 1264+500. Many positions have been patched with asphalt, but the roughness is not smooth, the art and technical requirements are not guaranteed.
     Moreover, the bridge deck contains a lot of soil and garbage, causing the drainage holes to be filled, typically at Suoi Lo, Suoi Dua, and Overpass bridges. Ong Kieu and Tuyet Diem bridge decks are peeling, potholes have been temporarily patched but not completely repaired.
     Regarding the traffic safety system, although the Road Management Zone III has repeatedly urged and reminded, there are still many blurred road lines, especially the section Km 1216+700 - Km 1218. A number of poles, kilometer poles, and dim reflective eyes have not been cleaned or painted; middle divider, soft guardrail, anti-glare sheet dirty sand soil.
     The managers have also asked the Road Administration of Vietnam to suspend toll collection at Km 1212+550 station on National Highway 1 under the Investment Project to build an extension of Highway 1, section Km 1212+400 - Km 1265+00, Binh province. Dinh and Phu Yen in the form of BOT contract of Binh Dinh BOT Investment Company Limited.
     However, this stop of toll collection has not yet been approved by the local government because the matter is being investigated and handled. Many people, especially North-South freight transport businesses, are very concerned about this issue, because if the stop to toll collection is not applied, they will have to continue to pay fees for a service that is causing problems. lots of trouble and no quality assurance.
     North-South freight business owners are facing many difficulties in transporting goods on the National Highway 1 route, especially in the situation that the road is not safe for traffic. If this situation continues, especially when the rainy season is approaching, traffic congestion and traffic accidents may occur at many sections of this road.
     Therefore, the temporary stop of toll collection is an urgent solution to ensure the safety of vehicles participating in traffic on the National Highway 1. North-South freight business owners are looking forward to seeing local authorities and road management agencies soon have solutions to overcome this situation and ensure safety for road users.
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