Vantai24h - On January 22, 1818, recently, the Government has just issued Decree 47/2017 / ND-CP, stipulating the base salary for officials, civil servants, and armed forces. According to this decree, the new base salary applied from 1/7/2018 would be VND 1,390,000 / month. Thus, compared with the current base salary is applied will increase by 90,000 VND / month.
This decree will have 9 groups of people will be increased salary, allowances, including: cadres and civil servants from the central to district level as stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 4 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants 2008; Commune-level officials and public employees specified in Clause 3, Article 4 of the 2008 Law on Cadres and Civil Servants; Officials in public service delivery agencies as defined in the 2010 Officers Act; Persons working under the regime of wage labor contracts in accordance with Decree 204/2004 / ND-CP, including: (Employees working under the regime of labor contracts in agencies, units of the Party, State, organization Those who work under labor contracts in the number of working people have been approved by competent authorities at public non-business units. as prescribed by the Government, the Prime Minister).
Persons working in payroll norms in associations funded with state budget funds under Decree 45/2010 / ND-CP; Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and workers, defense employees and contract laborers of the Vietnam People's Army; Officers, non-commissioned officers, wage earners, non-commissioned officers, duty fighters, police workers and contract laborers of the People's Police; Persons working in cipher organizations; Non-part-time workers at the commune level, in the village and in the village.
For now, rising wages are no longer a new issue in the administration of the government. There is a real situation, when rising wages means rising prices. In Vietnam, due to various reasons, including the cause of the state authorities can not manage the price of goods, so the salary increases often lead to increase consumer goods. This hurt not so many people, especially low-income groups in the city and in rural areas.