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How Vantai24h vehicle inspection technical means?

Vantai24h - Safety is the leading and most important factor, deciding on productivity, quality and efficiency in one trip, one transport.

Along with the psychological preparation required before transporting goods on demand, each driver should do a good job of checking the technical condition of the vehicle. This result is a demonstration of a disciplined lifestyle, a sense of respect for traffic law, and a high caliber of work in the chosen work. So, how do the drivers of vantai24h have done with this?

Inspection of the technical condition of the means depends on many factors, such as time, space, place, method, means and experience of the operator, in which the responsibility of the driver Car is the most important. In order to be effective, drivers need to know the history of the car to the point of inspection.

First of all, at the time of inspection, how many vehicles have been running kilograms, how long have they changed lubricants, how many and how many times they have been repaired. How to figure out how to pay attention?

Step 1: Check in

Open the cockpit door, unlock the power, check the oil alarm system ... If the clock runs stable and only the parameters are good. Turn on the headlights, bolts, and try the operation of the lever, whistle ...

Note: The car's lighting system is a very important part, which plays a decisive role in signaling as well as extending the visibility when the vehicle is operating at night or in bad weather. Therefore, regular inspection of the front and rear lighting and signaling systems is very necessary, especially before long trips. If there is any abnormality in the light or the lamp is "cut off" then we should replace the lamp to operate safely.

Step 2: Check out

Proceed in the following order: the driver, the front of the car, the side, the rear and the driver. The process of attention attention to see mirrors, rain gear, tire, tarpaulin, buckle, oil tank, battery ...

Tire test: Tires are an important part of the top because it is the last point to receive the power generated by the engine. 10:267 Buckels or Tighth () Check the tires with the naked eye to see if the tire wear has exceeded the rule. Long-term transport should prepare alternatives to ensure the safest car operation. Next is to check the vapor pressure of all four tires on the car. Tires that are too tight or too much affect the performance, grip and fuel consumption of the car. If you want to check the accuracy, you need to equip the tire pressure gauge plug directly into the pump hose or install a tire pressure sensor.

Step 3: Check the engine cooling water

Flot or Search Flush Flanes or Flip in or the Flush plugs sămutelsungels or the Flut orwidirecting Flutelselsels or ' Usually the best water level is between 2 full / low in the body. 7 Flearwid Flushelsirecting, Fl Figks unless plug-Flschuelsabels Buckels Flir sheet Buckels Fl av Flut

Step 4. Check engine oil (engine oil)

To check the condition of the engine lubricating oil, you can look for the machine visor stick (usually located next to the engine and yellow). Then, you pull the stick out, using a paper towel or a clean rag to wipe from top to bottom. Next, plug in the engine oil and slide it back into the engine. You. Buck oo ks Buck Flies Flels Flano Flut ksut Buckels Buck Flels Fl Flur.

In addition, according to the experience of Vantai24h drivers, the inspection process should pay attention to the color and odor of the engine lubricant, if they are black or smell bad, then the engine may be in trouble. In this case, we should take the car to our workshop to check carefully and know the exact state of the engine.

In addition, if the case of frequent increase / decrease of oil level, this indicates that the engine lubricant has leaked out or that other liquid has leaked in as the engine encounters a problem. Somehow In this case, Vantai24h drivers usually enter the car for inspection and have the best solution.

Step 5. Check the steering and brake fluid

Brake systems and steering systems are components that directly relate to the driver's control and interference when the vehicle is operating. Thrashwid Thick7 Thengwidlichuge .7 Thauer Tag-Th Wave Colonies Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly inspect the steering fluid and brake fluid before traveling.

Along with the above tests, the Vantai24h's drivers find the brake fluid and driver oil, the glass cleaner in the engine compartment and open the lid to check whether the oil level is at the level Allow or not and if missing, add immediately.

Step 6. Check the battery system

The first thing that the driver of Vantai24h conducted is to check the electrodes located above the lid. By the naked eye, if all electrodes are connected and there is no electrical shock or burns, strange color or liquid leaks from the inside of the vase .... Next, the driver checks to the water level inside the battery. Looking down at the bottom of the body, they see the water level between the Upper and Lower Levels.

If the water level drops too low, the driver will either refill or replace the new battery if it has been replaced. Generally speaking, these types of batteries have a life expectancy of 2-3 years depending on the brand as well as the quality of the battery.

Above are the technical inspection steps that vantai24h drivers usually perform before each transport, whether short or long transport times. The experience of Vantai24h drivers has confirmed that the habit of thorough inspection means that the transportation process is always absolutely safe.



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