Vantai24h - Recently, due to the climate change and water supply and drainage infrastructure is limited so the flooding after heavy rains, prolonged occur in many provinces and cities throughout the country. This is likely to adversely affect the quality of road haulage services without precautionary measures.
Driving a truckload of 1.25 tons Nguyen Tien Hieu of Vantai24h Company said that the taxicab trucks have lower ropes than the trucks with larger load, so the operation of the deep flooded road will be easy to photograph. Affects the technical state of the vehicle. The most obvious manifestation is the car died in the middle of the road, can cause accidents, traffic jams. Ngo Van Hoang, also driven by Vantai24h then confided, roads flooded that drivers can not detect potholes, drive elephants, cover manholes ... If you go on the road that unexpected encounter obstacles this It is very dangerous, the car on the car was shattered, broken. When you have been affected by these obstructions, it is best to be calm, not to overtake, to contact and to use the help of specialized vehicles. Because if you try to cross, the water in the machine will cause piston jam, curved hand, even the cushion machine.
In order not to encounter unexpected problems when moving through the wetlands, Vantai24h's drivers have some experience:
1. Select for vehicles in the middle of the lane to avoid entering deep water. Because in design, often between the pavement will be the highest and gradually to two sides to drain quickly. Therefore, when driving in the middle of the road, the vehicle will be inundated. It also avoids the risk of getting into the potholes, elephant or mud pit ... causing the vehicle to be submerged deep in the water, which can cause death.
2. Always get low numbers and keep your feet steady when you go on a flooded road. When traveling low numbers will easily overcome the obstacles accidentally encountered that unobserved driving. Always accelerate the accelerator pedal or only increase the gas when passing through the flooded section of the exhaust pipe. Because then exhaust gas will create a large thrust, not to let the water enter the exhaust. If you can not go fast, you can hold the brake pedal but still pedal gas.
Note: Absolutely no gas reduction when the water is flooded too much because the reduction of gas will reduce the thrust of the exhaust stream can make the water easily into the exhaust.
Go slowly and look ahead. This will make it easy to control the car while looking at the front cars so as to avoid the clutches that the front of the car encounters.
4. Do not go near the big truck. Heavy-duty vehicles will cause sudden surges, which may overwhelm the intake or exhaust manifolds. Even when it is raining but not flooded, it is not advisable to go near these vehicles as it generates large amounts of water from large wheels that will reduce the driver's sight. In this case do not try to overcome when you are not sure about the vision as well as the acceleration of your car.
5. Do not go over when the water level is over half of the tire. When the water level half tires, the best way is not up pass, but the safest solution is to choose another way to go. Just try to overcome if the water level is not flooded through the neck inlet.
6. Do not try to pass when the car goes in the opposite direction. When passing through the area deep water to observe carefully and try to avoid the time with the car from the opposite direction because the two cars going in the opposite direction will create waves, and swamping the Throat or lid, may wet the spark plug causes death machine.
7. Air conditioning and extra charge unnecessary. If the high water level on the shaft is dangerous, turn off the AC - regulator, go to number 1, run at a moderate level, keep the engine going round, go slowly and signal to the opposite direction. Slow walking avoid high waves. If water is high in the middle of Padeshock, it is best to turn off the engine, push the car through dangerous places, and check the air filter to see if there is water in the air. After starting the car and leaving, lightly brake for a while to dry the brake pads to give the brakes the same effect. With high suction car, you still have to be careful because the water can go through the vents on the axle casing, on the body lubrication damage the damage later. The simplest is that water goes through the holes under the floor to wet the interior, flattening electronic components on the floor.
When driving through flooded areas, you should turn off all devices unnecessary loads such as air conditioning systems, sound ... to reduce the load on the engine can avoid sudden death machine. In addition, the heat exchanger in the flooded area that tries to work may be bent and collided with the outdoor unit.
8. Do not attempt to restart as soon as the car dies
When the vehicle enters the flooded road and suddenly dies the machine must be stationary to determine the cause of engine death, if the machine is determined to be dead by the water inside the engine absolutely do not restart the engine because not only can not Explode the machine that it will do to jam the piston, curved hand.
Also, watch if the water level crosses the edge of the floor or not, if it is higher, it will not open completely, as the water will overflow, damaging electronic systems and internal materials. Other furniture in the car.
9. Check engine oil, oil, brake fluid, oil cone. Even if you go through deep water, you should check engine oil, oil, cone oil, brake fluid for water. Can be observed with the naked eye, if the oil is unusual in color it should be replaced with new oil because the oil reduces the ability to lubricate oil (engine oil, oil) and transmission capacity (brake oil, Cone) affects the longevity as well as the quality of work of the system.
10. Always save a phone number rescue phone in your contacts for use in situations where it is necessary.