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Transport 24h Co., Ltd offers 1.25 ton truck rental service to transport goods from Thuong Tin to Lang Ha with the route as follows: Phap Van- Cau Gie, Giai Phong, Truong Chinh, Lang and Lang Ha.

American Standard Vietnam Co., Ltd (AS) is one of many long-time and reputable business partners of Transport 24h Co., Ltd. The transport orders usually specify the scheduled departure date and time with fixed routes. Trucks of 1.25 tons, 2.5 tons, 3.5 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons or 10 tons (3 legs) and so forth are popular choices to transport cargos from the North to the South. American Standard specializes in producing ceramic bathroom and kitchen products which need handling with care in transport journeys.

American Standard warehouse is at Line Phuong Industrial Zone (Thuong Tin District, Hanoi). Starting from Ngoc Hoi, Transport 24h Co., Ltd’s trucks move on Phap Van – Cau Gie Highway to reach Thuong Tin. Below is toll fee for the route of Phap Van – Cau Gie:

·         Trucks of  0.5 tons, 1 ton, 1.25 tons and 1.4 tons: 15.000 VNĐ

·         Trucks of 2.5 tons and 3.5 tons: 25.000 VNĐ

·         Trucks of 5 tons and 8 tons: 30.000 VNĐ

·         Trucks of 10 tons,15 tons and 20 feet container: 40.000 VNĐ

·         Trucks of 18 tons and 40 feet container: 65.000 VNĐ

There are many benefits to transport goods on highways because it is more convenient, fuel-saving and short delivery time. Drivers only spend 10-15 minutes to move 10 km distance (from the beginning of Phap Van to Thuong Tin), which is much faster than old Highway 1A.

There are some notes for drivers to move on Phap Van – Cau Gie Highway as follows:

·         According to road traffic rules, the maximum and minimum speed on Phap Van- Cau Gie Highway is 100km/h and 60km/h respectively.

·         Safe distance between vehicles is 70m for the speed of 80 km/h to 100 km/h; 50m for the speed of 60 km/h to 80 km/h and 30 km/h for the speed up to 60 km/h.

·         Drivers should adjust their speed when driving in bad weather condition such as rain, fog and keep safe distance from other vehicles on the road.

·         When following another vehicle, you should dip your headlights and allow sufficient gap so that your lights do not dazzle the driver in front.  If you are overtaking another vehicle, move out early with your headlights dipped.  When you are alongside the other vehicle, return your lights to main beam.  If you are being overtaken, you should dip your lights as soon as the overtaking vehicle passes you and keep them dipped until they can be raised again without dazzling the other driver.

It often takes about 2 hours to dispatch goods from Thuong Tin to Lang Ha. On average, Transport 24h Co., Ltd has 4-5 transport journeys following this route. Transport journeys by 1.25 ton trucks will be safer when drivers are aware of their responsibilities on the road. Besides, drivers should keep conscious mind and pay maximum attention while driving.

PR: Thuy Lien


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