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Transport 24h Co., Ltd offers transportation services from Hanoi to Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Lao Cai, all of which are located in the northwest Vietnam. Due to their mountainous terrains, it is rather difficult to ship commodities to these provinces.

To transport goods from Hanoi to Phu Tho, Yen Bai and Lao Cai, drivers can choose Highway 70 to go along. From the inner Hanoi, drivers move to Thang Long Bridge- Highway 2- Phuc Yen- Viet Tri- Doan Hung (Phu Tho Province). They then join in Highway 70 to Yen Bai to load goods in districts of Luc Yen, Bao Yen, Bao Thang before reaching the final destination of Lao Cai. The total length of the journey is about 200 km with the shipping time of 8 hours including driving and delivery time.

It is rather hazardous to follow Highway 70 which runs through mountainous terrains of Yen Bai and Lao Cai Provinces so drivers, especially young ones need to pay careful attention to this route. Before Hanoi- Lao Cai Expressway is in use, congestions often happened on Highway 70, partly leading to serious accidents. Therefore, according to drivers who have practical experience in going on this route, we would like share with you driving tips as follows:

-         Always comply with road traffic regulations and rules to ensure the safety for people and vehicles.

-         Check all parts of your vehicles before setting off for a journey

-         Drivers must be in good health conditions and have experience to cope with unexpected situations.

-         Reduce your speed to a safe level for highway conditions and maintain this speed properly.

-         Do not use car headlights when there are vehicles running from the opposite direction at night.

-         You should use a low gear and a high engine when descending and use the same year during the ascent.

-         Do not overuse your brake to protect it from burning.

-         When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road which is not wide enough for two vehicles, the vehicle going downhill must yield the right-of-way by backing up to a wider place or by stopping to leave sufficient space for the vehicle going uphill, except where it is more practical for the vehicle going uphill to return a wider space or turnout.

The 45 year old Highway 70 is a main traffic route connecting provinces of Red River Delta with the northwest so there are a large number of vehicles running on this highway, many of which are heavy trucks of over 10 tons, containers and so forth. Therefore, the quality of Highway 70 has significantly deteriorated in recent years. Most drivers now choose Noi Bai-Lao Cai Expressway to move due to shorter driving time, good road surface and convenient travel. However, drivers have to pay such a high toll to use this expressway:

-         Vehicles under 2 tons pay 300,000 VND per trip;

-         Vehicles between 2 to 4 tons pay 460,000 VND per trip;

-         Vehicles between 4 to 10 tons pay 610,000 VND per trip;

-         Vehicles between 10 to 18 tons and 20 feet containers pay 760,000 VND per trip;

-         Vehicles over 18 tons and 40 feet containers pay 1,220,000 VND per trip.

Despite high toll fees, the delivery time is reduced and the number of transport trips will increase, meaning that logistics firms’ revenues and efficiency will also grow greatly.

PR: Thùy Liên


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