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The new highway 29 conecting south central coast and central highlands

Vantai24h - Date 03/14/2016 – Thanks to upgrading two provincial road routes into Highway 29, driver transporting goods from South Central Coast to Central Highlands now have more options to travel.


Highway 29 is a new route, which was formed from the combination of two provincial roads, namely 645 (in Phu Yen Province) and 691 (in Dak Lak Province) with the total length of about 290 km. Starting at Vung Ro Port (Dong Hoa District, Phu Yen Province), Highway 29 runs through Tay Hoa and Song Hinh Districts (Phu Yen Province) and ends at Dak Rue Border Gate ( Ea Sup District, Dak Lak Province). The section going through Dak Lak is more than 180 km and a main route for transporting goods between Phu Yen and Dak Lak Province in particular, and between South Central Coast and Central Highlands in general.

According to many drivers, since 2013, the quality of Highway 29 has gradually decreased with many potholes and bad road surface, making it very hazardous for local residents and drivers to move on. Due to the high increase in the number of vehicles running on this route, the deteriation of the road is faster than expected, especially with the section of from the center of Krong Nang District and Ea Dah Commune. According to driver Do Tuan Dung, when having transported goods along this route two days ago,he saw two trucks being towed away by the police after they ran into a drainage ditch. The reason for that accident was that because it was so dark that drivers counld not distinguish between the drainage ditch and pothole in the evening.

The deteriation of Highway 29 is at an alarming rate not only with drivers from other areas in the country but also with local people. Therefore, they have looked forward to seeing the route be upgraded and renovated so that it will become more safer for them to travel on the road.

Highway 29 connecting two provinces of Dak Lak and Phu Yen is the main route for transporting goods from South Central Coast and Central Highlands. Besides, Highway 29 also plays an important role in the complete development of the road traffic system and stimulate the economic progress of South Central Coast and Central Highlands. In addition, Highway 29 connecting the economy of three countries, namely Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia also create favourable conditions for the development of transportation as well as other fields in the areas./.

PR: Thuy Lien

Translator: Thanh Hoa

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