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Goods transport at the end of lunar year 2015

Vantai24h – Date 02/03/2016 – In last months of the lunar year 2015, the demand for shipping consignments in the inner city of Hanoi was three times higher than usual. All of Transport 24h Co. Ltd’ s trucks were used with to meet customers’ needs for transportation.

Transport 24h Co. Ltd specializes in the rent service of trucks in the inner city of Hanoi so we always try our best to meet customers’ demands at any time. In these days, traffic flow in the inner city, especially in the Old Quarters which have the high population density and narrow roads, is very difficult. This can be seen in the case of large vehicles and heavy trucks with the weight of over 2.5 tons when going in the Old Quarters. Therefore, it is more convenient and efficient for drivers to use trucks with the average weight of 1.25 to 1.4 tons. Thanks to that, travelling in the inner city will be easier and the quality of goods is also ensured to meet customers’ needs for fast and safe transport.

When Tet is coming, there is always a higher volume of goods taken to the market than usual, meaning that the demand for goods transportation also increases. One truck of Transport 24h Co. Ltd can run 4 to 5 shipments per day. The popular services chosen by customers include home and office moving, transporting a light volume of goods in the inner city. However, traffic in the downtown also causes many difficulties for dispatch.

Traffic congestion usually occurs in the inner city in rush hours so travelling in this time will takes longer than usual. Driver Do Quoc Truong said: “Drivers should be patient because there is nothing you can do to escape from traffic jam. You cannot rush in Hanoi”. He also shares some driving experience as follows:

If you are a young driver, it is much better to drive with a slow speed and in the right lane. You do not need to yield to other vehicles because in the congestion, you cannot go fast. If you want to overtake, remember to turn on headlights and observe carefully to control your car on the road.

In addition, you should keep a safe distance with other vehicles. When the traffic is heavy, motorcyclists often try to go first, using car’s lane, overtaking cars and so on. Therefore, according to veteran drivers, you should follow front vehicles and not let any motorcycles run in your lane because when there is a motorcycle doing that, others will follow suit, making it more difficult for cars to run.


Drivers always perceive that in the last months of the lunar year there will be an increase in their workload with many two-way transport journeys. However, drivers of Transport 24h Co. Ltd have the same wish as other drivers around the country to bring customers with safe, fast and economical transportation. This is also the motto Transport 24h Co. Ltd always keeps in mind. In the year of 2016, Transport 24h Co. Ltd’s board of directors and drivers would like to serve clients at any time with high quality services./.

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