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How to drive on bad roads

Vantai24h – Date 01/13/2016 – Highway 13 connecting Ho Chi Minh City with Binh Phuoc, Binh Duong and Hoa Lu Border Gate is one of many road routes which need immediate upgrade and renovation due to great damage. Therefore, drivers should equip themselves with some experience to prevent unexpected risks when driving on this route.

Vu Van Phuong, one of many veteran drivers of Transport 24 Co.Ltd who usually transport goods from Ho Chi Minh City to Binh Phuoc, told us: “The fact that there are still many potholes makes it more difficult for drivers to travel. However, the section from Ho Chi Minh City to Binh Duong is in very good condition. Traffic flow is quite smooth here”. Highway 13 runs through three districts of Binh Duong Province, namely Lai Thieu, Thu Dau Mot and Ben Cat. Then, it reaches Chon Thanh, Binh Long, Loc Ninh Districts (in Binh Phuoc Province) and finally arrives at Hoa Lu Border Gate, the finishing point of this route. In the early 2015, the road section from Binh Long Town to Loc Ninh District was paved smoothly and beautifully but since the middle of 215, there were some signs of deterioration making it hard for bicycles and motorbikes to move”.

In the time when the route has been upgrade, according to Phuong, drivers should update latest information to provide themselves with necessary knowledge and driving skills. We would like to share with you some advice from Phuong so that drivers can cope with bad situations as follows:

The first thing to remember is to carry rescue tools. They will be very useful in emergency situations which can happen when driving on roads with bad conditions. Strong ropes, pumps or compresses air tanks are must-have tools. Under rocky roads, pay attention to adjust the pressure of car tires to the type of terrain. When going on muddy or sandy roads, it is much better to reduce the pressure. This will increase the tires’ ability to contact with road surface. The more contact patch is, the larger the load on the tire.


In general, it is much easier for trucks to get over marshy areas then cars. When getting over holes or potholes and hearing strange noise from your vehicle, you need to consider if it is safe to continue moving. If there are cobblestones on the road, the best way is reduce your speed and observe carefully to stay away from those stones because they can hit your tires and cause serious damages.

We hope that following information from Phuong will help driver across the country obtain more knowledge and experience to transport goods in fast and efficient ways./.

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