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Goods transportation on national route of 12, 12A, 12B and 12C

Vantai24h – Date 01/11/2016 – Drivers usually make their decisions on which roads to go on after the careful consideration over each traffic route. The national route of 12 and its secondary roads such as 12A, 12b and 12C will lead you to different destinations.

Route 12 of 200 km is an intercity road which connects two north western provinces of Lai Chau and Dien Bien. It starts in Lai Chau Town, then goes along the left bank of Nam Da River (one section of Da River). After that, it runs pass the following districts: Tam Duong, Phong Tho, Sin Ho, Muong Cha and ends at the intersection of Highway 279, which is also adjacent to three communes of Dien Bien District, namely Noong Luong, Noong Het, Sam Mun. In the town of Phong Tho, route 12 runs pass the final point of Route 100. At Hang Tom Bridge crossing Da River, it goes over the provincial road of 127. At Muong Lay Town, going along Route 12 will lead you to Highway 6.  Traveling and transporting on this route is often very difficult in rainy season due to the frequent occurrence of landslides. Despite the alternative road of 35 km and new Hang Tom Bridge, it is necessary to pay more attention to this route.

In contrast to Route 12 located in north western area, Highway 12A in in the Central and links Ba Don Town with Cha Lo Border Gate (in the border of Vietnam and Laos).  This border gate is in the west of Quang Binh Province (Minh Hoa District). Highway 12A runs along Gianh River, passes Ba Dong Town and districts of Quang Trach, Tuyen Hoa, Minh Hoa, Dong Le and Quy Dat. It is also a part of Xuyen A Route (AH 131).

 Highway 12B starts at Kim Son, then passes Tam Diep City (Ninh Binh Province) and runs northwestward to the following districts: Nho Quan, Yen Thuy, Lac Son Tan Lac. After that, it connects with Highway 6 to go to north western provinces of Hoa Binh , Son La and Dien Bien. This is the shortest road linking north western provinces with areas of northern coast. In the past, old Highway 12B only connected one section of Route 1A to Tan Lac. The section from Tan Lac to Yen Thuy used to be in terrible conditions, making it difficult for commuters to join the traffic.  After the upgrade and renovation, as from October 2105, this route was totally changed its appearance. Driver Vu Duc Thuan, who has just returned from the transport trip to Nam Dinh told me: “As soon as reaching Vu Ban Town (Lac Son), I realized that Highway 12B is now modernized and very beautiful. There are no longer potholes or small holes on the road with a big chunk of dust. The road surface is today very smooth and paved nicely. Also, green trees on two sides of the route help to reduce pollutants from vehicles and contribute to the road’s beauty.”

Thuan shared: “ Drivers like me only have one wish which is that traffic roads in in good conditions, making it more convenient for us to ship goods to the destination easily and quickly. I just need to drive three or four trips per day to earn more income and support my family to cover the living costs. Only when Transport 24h Co.Ltd earns high revenues, lives of drivers will be improved significantly”./.

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