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The service of consignment and goods transport to Ninh Thuan (Phan Rang – Thap Cham)

Vantai24h – Date 11/16/2015 – Transport 24h Co.Ltd offers a wide range of transport service including goods consignment to Phan Rang- Thap Cham City and Ninh Thuan Province. The maximum length for shipment is 2 days and a half.

Before setting off for any long distance journeys, it is very crucial to check cars to ensure that they are in good conditions for proper operation. In the process of transport, drivers need to pay careful attention to petrol tanks to prevent the fuel insufficient when driving. Do not try to driver further when your car is almost out of fuel as it may lead to damage to car engine, reducing car’s life span.


One driver of Transport 24h Co.Ltd told us that he always maintained the habit of refill his fuel tank even when there was half a tank of fuel left. He said: “Some of my driving co-workers told me their stories of running out of petrol on the road so I learned the lesson for myself. Do not delay refilling your fuel tank when you have a chance because the important thing is that it helps you to have a sense of safety when driving”.

According to garage’s maintenance staff, I figured out that there is a part called ECU which controls an internal combustion engine to ensure optimal engine performance. It does this by reading values from a multitude of sensors within the engine bay, interpreting the data using multidimensional performance maps, and adjusting the engine actuators accordingly.

If cars are still in motion when they are almost out of fuel, their engines may be put under threat. Most of the mechanical parts like injectors, pumps, seals… are designed to be fully cover in fuel so if there is any air inside, they may be corroded. Besides, in this situation, the residue will be deposited at the bottom of the car and get into the engine, resulting in a decrease in engine performance and destroying other parts.

Trying to driving a low-fuel car might be seen as a way of saving time and causing no harm but in reality, it damages greatly car engine as well as other components. Therefore, it is much better for drivers to refill their cars when there is quarter a tank of fuel left to protect mechanical details from corrosion and lengthen their cars’ life span./.

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