Vantai24h – Ngày 10/03/2015 – The highway of Phap Van – Cau Gie which was upgraded with four modern and spacious lanes has created favorable conditions for shipping goods from Hanoi to Nam Dinh, meaning that the business of logistics companies including Transport 24h Co.Ltd along this highway is more efficient and faster.
The development of traffic infrastructure, especially with the upgrade of highways has contributed to the decrease in difficulties for drives. However, this also requires patience, carefulness and good observation from drivers. The first thing to keep in mind is to try to keep a suitable distance on the road. Although it is acknowledge by everyone, there are still many cases of breaking the rule. From an objective point of view, new drivers always follow regulations more carefully than experienced ones.
The speed and distance for vehicles joining the road traffic is stipulated in the Circular 13/2009/TT-BGTVT as followed:
When the road surface is clear and dry, the safe distance for each speed:
- The minimum safe distance is 30 meters at the speed of 60 km/h.
- The minimum safe distance is 50 meters at the sped of 80 to 100 km/h.
- The minimum safe distance is 70 meters at the speed of 80 to 100 km/h.
- The minimum safe distance is 90 meters at the speed of 100 to 120 km/h.
When driving in the rain with fog or on dangerous terrains like wet road surface, curves, drivers need to keep a suitably safe distance which is larger than that stated on signs. This means that the minimum distance between two vehicles is not smaller than the legal speed stipulated on the sign. If there is a sign showing the suitable speed is 80 km/h, the safe distance between two cars should be over 80 meters.
No matter who you are, each regulation should be complied. This is much more important with drivers of long- distance transport. Paying more attention to regulations will bring many benefits to people joining the traffic, meaning that drivers not only accumulate experience but also limit potential risks on the road./.