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Goods transportation to Kien Giang – Daily shipping schedule

Vantai24h – Date 09/01/2015 - The transport route from Hanoi to Kien Giang is 1789 kilometers long, so Transport 24h Co. Ltd has organized from two to three trips per day for this route.

Mr. Phan Van Chin, the deputy of Transport 24h Co. Ltd’s Business Department said: “Depending on customers’ demands, we can double the number of  daily transport trips. In peak months, the total transport route may double, to five or six trips per day. They may be considered as the company’s gold times because we have to work with the full capacity. At any time of the day, if customers want to use our transport service, our company always try its best to meet their demands in the most efficient and effective way. We realize that this will benefit not only our customers but it also brings values to the company”.


With a large volume of goods, the company makes maximum use of trucks of over 5 tons to participate in shipping from Hanoi to Kien Giang. High frequency of operation brings considerable efficiency and great value of economy but also puts car engines under underlying risks of damages. In addition to frequent maintenance, Transport 24h Co. Ltd always asks drivers to equip themselves with basic knowledge and skills of a mechanic. The company allocates each truck to a particular driver. It is a means of working and the driver‘s close partner in transport journeys.

Every truck owner always wants their vehicles to keep its capacity and lengthen its lifespan. However, each truck also has its particular life circle, so some day it will be got rid of and replaced with a new one. This is an objective rule that can not be changed. Machine oil is one of conditions to start the engines and it can affect directly to the lifespan of engines. Using the right machine oil and change it in time can protect the engines from damages during their operation. The suitable time for changing oil depends on a truck’s transport duration and the total kilometers it has rolled. Producers of machine oil usually recommend that the oil duration of trucks is one year. Therefore, if your truck has been exceeded the number of kilometers which producers required after one year, you still should replace engine oil because the accumulated oil in engine also decrease its value over time.


It is rainy season at the moment, so drivers also often face to flooded roads. The most common way water damages a car’s engine is when it gets sucked up through the air intake. It results in hydrostatic lock, an engine state in which the pistons freeze and the engine stalls. This sudden stoppage can irreversibly damage internal components and turn your truck motor into little more than a glorified paperweight. The easiest way to quickly decide whether your engine sucked in any water or not is to locate the car’s air intake once you have reached safety. If there is noticeable moisture high up in the engine bay, above the depth of the water, then you may have nothing to worry about. If there is evidence of moisture penetration down low, such as beneath or near the bumper, then you have cause for concern, especially if your vehicle was submerged significantly at any point.

Taking your truck to regular maintenance is like human’s regular health check. The cars’ lifespan depends mainly on their owners. Therefore, drivers need to check and take frequent care of their trucks, even the smallest components of theirs./.


PR: Thuy Lien


Translator: Thanh Hoa

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