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Car volume increased by 22% over the same period of 2016 Vantai24h - 4/9/2017 - According to the Journal of Transportation, in the first 9 months of 2017, traffic volume on the lines managed and exploited by the Vietnam Expressway Development Corporation (VEC) was quite high with 22% over the same period. last year, equivalent to 27.4 million.
By the end of the year, car prices will continue to fall Vantai24h - On September 4, 2017, electronic newspaper Infornet quoted from economic expert Ngo Tri Long, until the end of this year, car prices will continue to decline if the purchasing power has not increased.
The Prime Minister directs the planning of the Hanoi and surrounding areas Vantai24h - 2/10/2017 - On September 27, 1977, the Government Office issued the instruction No. 10263 / VPCP-CN to the City People's Committee. Hanoi on the planning of the construction of the Hanoi and surrounding areas.
The economic policy series come into effect in October Vantai24h - In October, 1974, a number of policies related to the fields of the Industry and Trade officially came into effect.
Ho Chi Minh City: Collecting charges, preventing traffic jams in the inner city Vantai24h - Tien Phong Technology Joint Stock Company (ITD) has reported to the Department of Transport. HCM scheme to charge car to central area. Accordingly, 36 toll gates will be built in a closed loop, applying modern charging technology to reduce the number of private cars entering the inner city during peak hours.
25% discount on Phap Van Expressway Vantai24h - Vietnam Road Administration has just agreed with the investor of the BOT project Phap Van - Cau Gie proposed Ministry of Transport reduced 25% of the route fee.
The government owes nearly $ 94.3 billion Vantai24h - According to information from VnExpress on 21/9, cited by the Ministry of Finance said, government debt including both at home and abroad by the end of 2015 has exceeded 2 billion billion (nearly 94.3 billion dollars) .
Ha Noi: Transport enterprises look forward to removing 'barriers' Vantai24h - From 2013, City People's Committee Hanoi issued Decision No. 06/2013 / QD-UBND, issued together with the regulation on operation of means of transport in the city.
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